Osteopathy and Chiropractic

Due to today’s technological lifestyle, our body is exposed to new, often one-sided stresses, which can lead to learned bad postures and also to pain. Osteopathy is a well-established and sustainable manual treatment method for this. It takes into account all the connections between the musculoskeletal system, organ systems, nerves and vessels. Stressful patterns are individually recorded and corrected in order to achieve an improvement in the mobility of all systems in relation to each other. Through this holistic approach of osteopathy, symptoms can be identified causally and stable solutions can be achieved.

Chiropractic is both a treatment method in its own right and a useful complement to osteopathy. Chiropractic mobilises stubborn joint blockages. Muscles, tendons and ligaments and the entire posture are also treated.

Taking into account your symptoms and wishes, we find the appropriate application. With this combination of procedures, we not only improve your physical status, but also activate your relaxation and regeneration processes, which also leads to a nervous-mental balance.